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Job Planning & Management Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2021

Please put guardrails up for Job Types > Sold Threshold and Duration so tenant cannot add in a new Job Type without having these fields greater than 0

The ask: We should not allow tenant to add in a new Job Type unless they have more than $0 in the Sold Threshold field and the Job Duration field.

Sold threshold and job duration impacts 3 points of TAD and is something CSMs spend 3+ hours on each month/quarter trying to decipher why tenants added Job Types with $0 sold threshold and 0 duration hours. Leads to many, many conversations and the same tenants making the same mistakes. Adding guardrails would solve hours of manual work each quarter, fixing, and moving forward in newer conversations instead of this conversation hijacking success calls.

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