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Job Planning & Management Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 3, 2019

Identify System Generated Actions versus User Generated Actions on Job Audit Trail

Customer cannot identify if a job action was system generated or user generated. Example is setting job as "No Charge". When a job has a sold estimate, the user who sold the estimate appears in the audit trail as the user who set the job as "No Charge". However, it was the system generated action based on certain job actions. In this case, an estimate being sold. 

From an accountability and audit perspective, this is very important to distinguish between system generated and user generated. Customer wants to hold their team accountable for making changes on the job and they cannot delineate if it was truly the user who changed it or if it was the system. 

Recommended solution is to distinguish in audit trail whether it was a true user who updated or if it was automated by the system. 

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