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Job Planning & Management Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 7, 2019

If Job is not classified as a Lead, "Lead Generated By" and "Lead Generated From" should default to null/ not be saveable


Currently, a job can have a Lead Generated By and Lead Generated From, without actually being marked as a Lead job.

Steps to Reproduce

1. From the job screen, click the edit pencil

2. Select "Lead from another job"

3. Select "Lead Generated By" and "Lead Generated From"

4. Deselect "Lead from another job" > Save.

You'll notice that, although the job is not a lead, it still has a Lead Generated By and a Lead Generated From populated.

This can cause issues in Reporting, and report scheduling. Custom reports allow data to be filtered by recipient, and some of the dataset reference the "Lead Generated By" field when determining recipients. If this field is erroneously filled, it can send unintended data to the recipient (other technicians' data).

UPDATE: Now, it seems the field no longer saves in this case. Although the page allows the user to Save, the Lead Generated By field will actually not save and will remain blank if the job is not a lead.

while this helps Reporting, we are still seeing instances where somehow this combo is still happening:

also, it would be better if we greyed out the field or otherwise showed the user they shouldn't save it like that to avoid confusion. or else, users may actually save thinking they were marking the job a lead when they hadn't gone thru marking all the appropriate fields.

Potential Solution

When "Lead from another job" is unchecked, "Lead Generated By" and "Lead Generated From" fields should be null.

Another way to word this, is that "Lead Generated By" and "Lead Generated From" fields should not be allowed to save if "Lead from another job" is not checked. User should receive an error and be unable to save.


- Recipients of reports receive only pertinent information

- Admins/managers have a more user friendly reporting experience-- they are guardrailed against these kinds of user errors; more trust in employees, more trust in ST

- Fewer Support cases. There have been 3 escalated to me in the last 2 weeks with this as the root cause. Possible that many more are flying under my radar!

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