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Job Planning & Management Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 28, 2020

Add collapse/scroll feature for Job skills on Job page or ability to remove Job skills from Job page

I have a tenant that has A LOT of job skills. For some jobs, there can be more than 10 job skills on the job page which gets pretty overwhelming. The tenant is asking for the job skills section to be completely removed for the job page....

However, I am suggesting other things. My suggestions are the following:

  • Allow tenant to toggle the job skills section to be visible or not

  • Add a collapse feature to job skills if the job page has more than 5 job skills (it should auto-collapse after 5 job skills)

  • Add a scroll feature to the job skills section - like a scroll box

Basically some way to show just enough job skills but not every single one as there can be a lot displayed.

  • Attach files