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Job Planning & Management Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 6, 2018

Allow the ability to "bold" or "italicize" the font in Job/Invoice Summaries

Customer would like the ability to "Highlight" certain areas of the Job Summary for their technicians to view, and would also like the Invoice summary to include the same functionality for their customers. Certain areas of the Job/Invoice Summary they feel require highlighting, and having the option to "bold" or "italicize" the font would have the same effect. This will allow them to stress the important areas of the Job the tech may need to know, or highlight specific portions of the work that was done for the customer. 

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  • Guest
    Feb 20, 2023

    This is currently available on the job details screen when editing a job, however, the job summary on the call booking screen doesn't have this ability. There is interest from tenants to be able to bold or italicize on the call booking screen specifically.