There are times when multiple Recall jobs need to be booked for the same original job when multiple tasks were performed on that original job. Recall Job 1 may be to service Task A, while Recall Job 2 may be booked to service Task C.
Currently, you can create/tie multiple Recall jobs from/to the same original job, but the original job will only display 1 "R" tag rather than 1 "R" tag for each of the Recall jobs booked. It seems that clicking on the "R" tag brings you to the most recent Recall job booked from that job.
The issue this presents is the lack of transparency into how many Recall jobs were booked from the original job (it appears that only 1 Recall Job was booked), and clients are unable to navigate to the different Recall Jobs from the original job.This is inconsistent with how Warranty Jobs work, whereby ST creates 1 "W" tag on the original job for each Warranty Job that is booked from that job.
Recommended solution would be to have multiple "R" tags created on the original job when multiple Recall Jobs are created from that job.