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Job Planning & Management Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 23, 2021

Update tag order logic on job page to match tag logic on Dispatch board


Currently, there's logic inconsistency with regards to what order tags appear in on the job page compared to the dispatch board.

On the dispatch board, tag order is determined by level of importance, and then by alphanumeric order.

When users click into a job itself, tags are ordered by when the tag was actually created in ServiceTitan mirroring the logic of tag appearance in mobile, which isn't at all apparent or useful to the end user.

Potential Solution

The obvious solution is to update the tag logic on the job page to mirror the dispatch board -- UI consistency throughout the product increases ease of use and improves user experience.

Another solution would be to have tags on the job page appear in the order they were added to the job, which at least allows the user to add tags in order of importance.

Presently, the logic is confusing and doesn't present any practical user benefit.

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