From a sales specific side where techs are completing or installing work later. When techs are selling a job, before you complete the order, there is a pop up that comes up asking if you’d like to perform the work now or later. What has been experienced with the sales team is if they accidentally hit the wrong option in mobile, they can’t go back and correct it which makes it challenging or at least more effort to simply go back and correct the mistake.
To have the possibility or option to have warning pop up after you’ve selected do work now or later that’s states the following....
“You’ve selected do work now, are you sure you’re ready to do the work right now? once confirmed you cannot undo on mobile”.
“You’ve selected to do the work at a later date, are you sure?”
Most folks get trigger fingers in the field and this would be a huge help to prevent mistakes. Especially for sales specialists.
Yes @will manning. I've asked a few people to start working on draft language to circulate around for feedback.
While we're at it can we change the wording as well? Something more like "Do work today" vs "Do work another day"