Allow users to determine if the custom field should appear on Mobile or not. This can be a check box in custom field settings. Alternatively, all Call Booking custom fields could be hidden from Mobile, but still have the Job Custom fields (that aren't on the call booking screen) appear.
What problem is the customer facing?
Now that job custom fields show on mobile, customer doesn't want all custom fields to show on Mobile. There are some fields that need to be on the Call Booking Screen so that the office user can record information on the job, but the technician does not always need to see this information. The irrelevant information clutters up the job screen in Mobile and other important information gets lost.
An example of a custom field that needs to show on the Call Booking screen but not on Mobile are: “COVID-19 Questions” or “Ordered By”.
Why is it useful?
Especially for commercial customers, there's a lot of information that needs to be communicated to the technician in an organized way, so by eliminating irrelevant information, techncians can more easily read the information that is intended for them.
Tenant suretempairconditioningllc is requesting this functionality also.